“A reflection on public displays of affection

By – Ruby Hernandez Torres

We have four minutes to get to class and that may seem sufficient, but don’t be fooled.  There are couples in the school who tend to take up hallway space by making out, hugging intensely, or walking together at a very slow pace. It is almost impossible to make your way past them to get to class on time. Personally, I take a different route to a few of my classes just to avoid finding myself stuck in a hallway attempting to get past a certain couple. 

Personal Displays of Affections (PDA) is frowned upon at most schools as it is a distraction to others and fuel for gossip. Eliminating PDA at school would create a more respectful and comfortable environment for students. Although we love our couples at DDHS (you are so cute!), let’s keep the PDA outside of school. 

Many students feel discomfort and awkwardness when they witness the rampant, daily PDA at school. While most of us can agree that hand-holding and walking each other to class is fine, there are boundaries that should be respected. One student shared that they wish couples would refrain from kissing in the middle of hallways and at entrances of classrooms. I am  positive that most of the student body would agree with this student’s opinion: affection is better fit for private settings.