Author: Abigail Kiem

DDHS is not competing in this year’s Academic Bowl. 

In the past,  our school compiled brilliant minds to compete in a live tournament with other schools. Our school did not participate this year. 

The following is a report from last year’s academic bowl:

The first part of this event has each student take a test that their subject falls into. For example,  I chose to do Algebra so I went into a room with about 20-25 other students and took an Algebra test. (Exciting, I know, but stay with me!) 

Before the second part of this bowl, there is a free lunch. Last year there were sandwiches, chips, and water all provided. This was a grace period before excitement induced chaos. 

The second part of the academic bowl: live answering. All schools compile into the auditorium of the school we’re competing at. Up on the stage are tables for every school competing that year, four chairs to a table, and an unbiased proctor with sheets of red and green. The subjects you chose weren’t just for a written test, they were to really test your knowledge. Last year, I competed in the live events category with three of my teammates. This meant that we answered questions of recent events like wars, politics, and other things a news article would typically cover. 

After everything was over then awards for being the most accurate and fastest for each test in each category were given out. As well as who were the top three schools who won the bowl. Unfortunately, last year our school didn’t win.

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