Dear Comet Counselor,

I’ve been feeling really overwhelmed with schoolwork and extracurriculars. I want to do well in my classes and participate in all of my extracurriculars, but not at the expense of my mental health. Do you have any tips for balancing academics and after school activities? 



Dear Overwhelmed, 

Balance is one of the most important things in life, and it’s also one of the hardest to achieve. Try to set up a schedule where you can be productive without having too much going on at any time. Save your more time-consuming assignments for a day when you don’t have any extracurriculars and make sure to leave yourself time to have fun. 

If you’re feeling especially overwhelmed, it might be a good idea to communicate with your teachers, coaches, club supervisors, etc. Let them know that you have a lot going on, and ask for help if you need it.

I’m a pretty busy person, but I almost always set aside Saturday and Sunday mornings for “me time.” I don’t do schoolwork, I don’t make plans with anyone and I just focus on myself. I’ll take an everything shower, clean my room, watch a movie, and eat a good lunch. Having time that isn’t consumed by school or extracurriculars is so important for your mental health. Plus, getting your personal tasks out of the way leaves you with so much more energy for other things throughout the week. 

Remember to prioritize your well-being and take a break every once in a while.


The Comet Counselor