By Emily Lock

Welcome to 2024 folks! Now that we are a full month into 2024, let’s see what some students set as their resolutions for the new year. Many students plan to be studious during this semester by improving their grades and academic performance. 22.8 percent said they wish to become athletic and exercise regularly. Watch out for those muscles! 13.9 percent said they wished to learn a new skill or hobby. 

Now, what inspired students to want to change for the new year? Students said that they wanted to be better students and athletes; others said they were inspired by their parents or themselves. Areas students plan to focus on this year include 39.2 percent saying self-improvement, 15.2 percent saying social connections and relationships, 16.5 percent saying health and wellness, and 20.3 percent saying college and career goals. Sounds like students are really looking for change this year. Good for you! 

Staying motivated and sticking to these resolutions can be a real struggle, so how are students planning to hold themselves accountable? 35.4 percent are going to create a list of goals and track their progress, 20.3 percent are going to find someone to hold them accountable, 16.5 percent are going to reward themselves after small milestones, and 15.2 percent are going to create a vision board. I know I sure love a good reward! 

Why exactly do people make New Year’s resolutions? What’s the point? The overall impact these resolutions may have on your life could be huge and change the way you feel about yourself and others. Students created these resolutions to get into colleges, improve their lives, pass high school and do something productive with their time. Resolutions are definitely not easy. For example,  25.3 percent said overcoming self-doubt is a big challenge. Others said lack of discipline and motivation often challenge them to stick to their resolutions. Sounds like with the right plan, these resolutions will become achievements. I can’t wait to see everyone sticking to them! 

Look out for our follow-up with DDHS students about their resolutions in future issues!