By Lydia Cano

Curiosity keeps the mind wandering…. the Delavan-Darien High School senior class of 2024 begins their last quarter of the school year. It has been a long four years, and each is starting to feel the bittersweet ending. Some ache to move on, others reminisce on the sweet moments. It has been a fun ride and we are certain each of us will do amazing things in life. This article is a tribute to the seniors. 

Each senior will be asked 3 simple questions.

  1. What are your plans after high school?
  2. What is your biggest goal in life?
  3. What is your favorite high school memory at DDHS?

Starting with……..

Mia Batres

  • Attend military boot camp this summer and then attend the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee in the spring, majoring in criminal justice. 
  • Be successful at boot camp and college. Do something that she loves. 
  • Homecoming week and cheer.

Brooke O’Grady

  • Attend the University of Wisconsin-Madison and study medicine. 
  • Be successful.
  • Horse showdown at prom 2023.

McKenna O’Grady

  • Attend the University of Wisconsin-Madison and major in biomedical engineering. 
  • Be wealthy.
  • Horse showdown at prom 2023.

Lydia Cano

  • Go to College and find a passion where I can help others. 
  • Find joy in life and travel. 
  • Tennis season, the Bucks game and homecoming week.

Irais Medrano

  • Attend Marquette University and double major in international business and accounting. 
  • Get rich. Live abroad. Have 3 kids. 
  • Homecoming week. Spirit weeks.

Yaricel Aranda

  • Attend the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and major in kinesiology
  • Hopefully work in her career. Have a family. Travel. 
  • Homecoming week. Spirit weeks.

Montserrat Huerta

  • Attend Edgewood College and pursue a business career. 
  • Be successful.
  • The Bucks game.

Ajelet Perez

  • Attend Gateway Technical College and become a dental assistant. 
  • To graduate college and get her dream job. 
  • Homecoming festivities. 

Nathan Castillo Cano

  • Attend the University of Wisconsin-Madison and major in biology. Then go to medical school. 
  • Have a successful career and make it through college. 
  • Late-night soccer games.

Magali DeAlba

  • Attend the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater and major in marketing.
  • Be successful. Have a house and no debt. 
  • Homecoming week. 

Mayline Reynoso

  • Attend the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater and major in sports marketing.
  • Be successful. Have a good home and stable life. Be rich. 
  • Homecoming week. Football games. Mrs. Alonzo.

Alyssa Plzak

  • Possibly attend the University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee as undecided.
  • Make good money. 
  • The teachers. Ms. Rhoades.

Adriana Castaneda

  • Take a gap year and then study at Gateway.
  • ¨Make it out.¨ Live in the suburbs. ¨Make my parents proud.¨
  • Meeting new friends.

Alex Galvan

  • Attend the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and study psychology to become a physiatrist. 
  • Find internal happiness in life. 
  • Every track memory.

Ariel Woloszyk

  • Go into the National Guard and then attend the University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee. 
  • Become rich and happy. 
  • The assemblies.

Alyssa Wimer

  • Attend the University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee and major in ASL interpreting. 
  • Move out of her parent’s house. 
  • Never coming back.

Marlene Huerta

  • Attend Black Hawk Technical College and become an ultrasound tech.
  • Be successful. 
  • Sophomore year soccer season.

Jimena Soto

  • Take a gap year and then go to cosmetology school.
  • Getting money.
  • Being with friends, having fun and track season.

Tia Bethke

  • Attend Northwestern University and double major in journalism and political science. 
  • Work in political journalism in D.C. “Speak truth to power.” 
  • Mr. Nelson yelling for Grace and Megan. #Tennis

Andy Elguero

  • Go to college and Mexico this summer. 
  • Achieve in college.
  • Going to state for soccer and scoring.

Lilly Serna

  • Become an ultrasound technician and continue to work for her real estate license. 
  • Achieve success and create her dream life. 
  • Junior powderpuff.

Emily Lock

  • Attend the University of Wisconsin- River Falls and study education. 
  • To find a good job in a good district and help people. 
  • Tennis season 🙂

Ashlyn Markley

  • Attend the University of Wisconsin- Whitewater and study business and marketing. Work hard. 
  • Be successful and be happy in her future. Have a family and live somewhere warm and pretty.
  • DDHS football games with friends.

Eileen Henriquez

  • Attend the University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee and major in biomedical sciences with an emphasis in laboratory science to pursue a career as a clinical laboratory technologist. 
  • Make a difference in the world. Join the Peace Corps and help third world countries. 
  • Cheering at the homecoming game!

Raegan Pelnar

  • Go to MSOE (Milwaukee School of Engineering) and pursue a civil engineering Degree. 
  • Her biggest goal is to overall be happy. 
  • Going to school dances with her friends.

Simrri De La Cruz

  • Go to college and travel the world.
  • Become successful, live a happy life, and have a family. 
  • Playing with the soccer team.

Uli Valadez

  • Attend either UW- Whitewater or Gateway.
  • Be happy and Successful. Make his parents proud after he finishes school. 
  • Experiencing all the moments with friends.

Rafael Galindo

  • Go to college and major in accounting or engineering. 
  • Make it far in his career. 
  • Earning all-conference for soccer.

Alexa Flores

  • Undecided.
  • Buy a house. Have a good family. Do everything she wants to do. 
  • Ms. Rhoades’ classes.

Joane Russel

  • Go to college for liberal arts. 
  • Go out and visit most of Europe. 
  • Homecoming 2023.

Zabrya Russell

  • Attend Gateway Technical College for marketing. 
  • It has always been her dream to pursue a career in fashion 🙂
  • Winning Prom Queen junior year.

Thank You to everyone who participated in this article. Congratulations to the class of 2024, good luck! 

– Lydia