By Abagail Kiem

Photographer: Andres Medina (Dre Films)

As of late last year, the current 11th-grade class titled themselves the “best class.” They claim they have the most pep, are the loudest in the student section, and get along with each other the best. Even though they won powder puff football last Wednesday night and were awarded a trophy for the most pep during homecoming week, there’s still some rockiness between certain cliques that have been formed. Does this difficulty stain their reputation?

In a series of informal interviews with 10 students, two or three from each class, it’s become apparent what constitutes a class as “the best.” The most common categories are pep, participation, organization, friendliness, and knowledge.

While the current junior class matures, they have become more comfortable with each other, which has increased their ability to become more organized. This indirectly gives the class more pep or school spirit as we attend more school functions and participate in more sports. As for friendliness, most students from other grades found the juniors to be the most friendly and objectively popular. This was surprising as, from hallway rumors, there’s a new drama between people every week. However, our knowledge outweighs this as they can take more honors and AP classes as they progress through our school years.

While collecting students’ opinions for this article, an interesting one came to light. Every student and staff member interviewed, regardless of grade, believed that juniors had the most pep, sophomores came in a close second, seniors came in third, and freshmen came in dead last. In conclusion, after analyzing opinions and general standards of the student body, the 11th-grade class’s self-proclamation reigns true: the graduating class of 2026 is the best.